"Your beginnings will seem humble,
so PROSPEROUS will your FUTURE be." [Job 8:7]

Hyunchul Kim, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Dept. of Software (Dept. Chair, Aug. 2016 ~ Jul. 2018)
Sangmyung University
31, Sangmyung University Road, Dong-nam-gu,
Cheonan, South Korea
E-mail: hkim _at_ smu dot ac dot kr
Curriculum Vitae (as of April 2021)
Our poster "Traffic Classification using Deep Learning: Being Highly Accurate is Not Enough" has been accepted at ACM SIGCOMM, New York City, Aug. 2020.
Our poster "AS Relationships Inference from the Internet Routing Registries" has been accepted at ACM SIGCOMM, New York City, Aug. 2020.
Prof. Hyun-chul Kim has been awarded
an Overseas Research Professor Fellowship of the LG Yonam Cultural Foundation, Nov. 2019.
Our paper "Predicting content consumption from content-to-content relationships" has been accepted at Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol. 132, April 2019 (SCI, IF in 2018=5.173).
Our poster "Content-based Success Prediction of Crowdfunding Campaigns: A Deep Learning Approach" has been accepted at ACM CSCW, New York City's Hudson River (Jersey City), Nov. 2018.
Our paper "Privacy Leakage in Event-based Social Networks: A Meetup Case Study" has been accepted at ACM CSCW, New York City's Hudson River (Jersey City), Nov. 2018.
Our poster "The Language of Deceivers: Linguistic Features of Crowdfunding Scams" has been accepted at WWW, Montreal, Canada, Apr. 2016.
- Our paper "Measurement and Analysis of Online Gaming Services on Mobile WIMAX Networks" appears in Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCNC), vol. 15, no. 7, pp. 1198-1211, May 2015 (SCI).
- Our paper "Collecting, Organizing, and Sharing Pins in Pinterest: Interest-driven or Social-driven?" has been accepted at ACM SIGMETRICS, Austin, TX, Jun. 2014.
- Our paper "Strategic Bundling for Content Availability and Fast Distribution in BitTorrent" has been accepted at Computer Communications, vol. 43, pp. 64-73, May 2014 (SCI).
- Our paper "AS-level Topology Collection through Looking Glass Servers" has been accepted at ACM Internet Measurement Conference, Barcelona, Spain, Oct. 2013.
- Our paper "A Comparative Study on IP Prefixes and their Origin ASes in BGP and the IRR" has been accepted at ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, vol. 43, no. 3, Jul. 2013.
- Our paper "Internet Traffic Classification using Energy Time-Frequency Distributions" has been accepted at IEEE ICC, Budapest, Hungary, Jun. 2013.
- Our paper "Bundling Practice in BitTorrent: What, How, and Why" has been accepted at ACM SIGMETRICS, London, UK, Jun. 2012.
- Our paper "Analysis of Context Dependence in Social Interaction Networks of a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game" has been accepted at PLoS ONE, vol. 7, no. 4, Apr. 2012. (SCIE, IF = 4.411)
- Our paper "Content Publishing and Downloading Practice in BitTorrent" has been accepted at IFIP Networking, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2012.
- Pinterest dataset, as in our paper "Collecting, Organizing, and Sharing Pins in Pinterest: Interest-driven or Social-driven?", ACM SIGMETRICS, Austin, TX, Jun. 2014.
- Looking glass server list and AS link data sets, as in our paper "AS-level Topology Collection through Looking Glass Servers", ACM Internet Measurement Conference, Barcelona, Spain, Oct. 2013.
- BitTorrent dataset, as in our paper "Bundling Practice in BitTorrent: What, How, and Why", ACM SIGMETRICS, London, UK, Jun. 2012.
- Internet traffic data sets, as in our paper "Internet Traffic Classification Demystified: Myths, Caveats and the Best Practices", ACM CoNEXT, Madrid, Spain, Dec. 2008.
Projects and Grants
Profiling Cyber Security Experts (continued), sponsored by National Security Research Institute, Korea, PI, 2021.4~2021.10 (~$50K).
Automated Software Vulnerabiliry Detection using AI, an Industry-Academic Cooperation/Collaboration sub-project, National Program of Excellnence in Sotware, sponsored by Ministry of Science and ICT, Korea, PI, 2021.04-2020.11 (~$20K).
Profiling Cyber Security Experts, sponsored by National Security Research Institute, Korea, PI, 2020.6~2020.11 (~$40K).
DeepScanning: AI-based Automated Software Scanning, an Industry-Academic Cooperation/Collaboration sub-project, National Program of Excellnence in Sotware, sponsored by Ministry of Science and ICT, Korea, PI, 2020.04-2020.12 (~$30K).
Multi-modal data-driven Explainable AI systems and the Future of Digital Finance, sponsored by the National Research Foundataion, Korea, PI, 2019.9~2022.2 (~260K/3 years).
Towards Explainable AI in Next-Generation Intrusion Detection systems, sponsored by National Security Research Institute, Korea, PI, 2019.4~2019.10 (~$50K/7 months).
Statistics-based Network Behavior Modeling, sponsored by National Security Research Institute, Korea, PI, 2018.5~2018.10 (~$40K/6 months).
- Traffic Measurement in Anonymity Networks, sponsored by National Security Research Institute, Korea, PI, 2017.4~2017.10 (~$35K/6 months).
- Characterization and Automatic Labeling of Malicious Traffic in Control System Networks, sponsored by National Security Research Institute, Korea, PI, 2017.4~2017.10 (~$30K/6 months).
- Development of Side Awning Tents using Environmentally-aware and DTP (Digital Textile Printing) Technologies, sponsored by Small and Medium Business Adminstration, Korea, 2016.12-2017.11 (~$100K/year).
- Towards social context aware, secure and safe Information-Centric Networking, Basic Science Research Program, through the NRF, by the MoE, Korea, PI, 2016.11~2019.10 (~$150K/3 years).
- Network Traffic Classification for Intrusion Detection, sponsored by National Security Research Institute, Korea, PI, 2015.6~2015.12 (~$35K/6 months).
- Towards social context aware Information-Centric Networking, Basic Science Research Program, through the NRF, by the MoE, Korea, PI, 2013.6~2016.5 (~$150K/3 years).
- Best Teaching Award, 1st in College of Engineering, Sangmyung University, Fall 2013.
- Best Teaching Award, 3rd in College of Engineering, Sangmyung University, Spring 2013.
- Best Teaching Award, 2nd in College of Engineering, Sangmyung University, Fall 2012.
- 'The past 5 semesters (2.5 yrs) of mine @Sangmyung Univ.': visualized based on students' evaluation results on my lectures, collected from 2012 Spring to 2014 Spring (words containing year, semester info., course names, my name are all pre-excluded. available in korean only. :).
Professional Activities
- Publicity Co-Chair, ACM CoNEXT 2018
- Program Co-chair, ACM CoNEXT 2011 Student Workshop
Technical Program Committee member
- ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (Social Networking and Media Analysis Track) 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021
- ACM SIGCOMM Workshop Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning for Data Communication Networks (Big-DAMA) 2017, 2018, 2019
- IFIP Networking 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019
- ICNC 2014 - CQSM (International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications - Communication QoS and System Modeling Symposium), 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
- AINTEC (Asian Internet Engineering Conference) 2006, 2013, 2014
- IEEE ICC Workshop on TRICANS (Traffic Identification and Classification for Advanced Network Services and Scenarios) 2013, 2014
- TMA (Traffic Measurement and Analysis) Workshop 2012, 2013
- APNOMS (Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium) 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2017
- IEEE E2EMon 2007, 2008
- Sangmyung University Advisees (2012~current)
- Seoul National University Advisees (Co-advised with Prof. T. Kwon, Y. Choi, and C. Kim at SNU CSE Dept., 2008~2012)
- Prof. Akmal Khan (now at The Islamia University of Bahawalpur)
- Prof. Jinyoung Han (at SKKU)
- Seokshin Son (at NCSoft)
- Seungbae Kim (at UCLA)
- Prof. Suchul Lee (at Korea National University of Transportation)
- Prof. Taejoong Chung (at Virginia Tech)
- Prof. Xiaofei Wang (at Tianjin University)
- Yeonsup Lim (at IBM T. J. Watson Research Center)
Useful Links
Pictures and Videos
Last Updated: 2021.04.14