Our paper "Fraud Detection on Crowdfunding Platforms Using Multiple Feature Selection Methods" has been accepted at IEEE Access, vol. 13, pp. 40133-40148, 2025, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2025.3547396. 2025.
End of Year Lab Lunch Get-together '24
Our paper "Exploring the Internet Routing Registries to Augment AS-level Topology" has been accepted at IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM), London, United Kingdom, May. 2025.
Welcome to our new undergraduate student, Dong woo Kim!
Attended Lab MT at Daecheon '24
Welcome to our new rotation Master's student, Abdur Rehman Awan!
Our paper "Cyber5Gym: An Integrated Framework for 5G Cybersecurity Training" has been accepted in the Journal of MDPI Electronics, Volume 13, Number 5, pp. 888, Feb 2024.
Welcome to our new rotation undergraduate students, Hyunsu Park, Taejung Park, Ara Choi, and Pyeonghwa Yun!
Attended KCC'23 (Korea Computer Congress, December 2023) & Lab MT
Our proposal, "Explainability in Graph Neural Networks for Internet Traffic Classification," has been awarded 21 months from the National Research Foundation (2023-06-01. ~ 2025-02-28.)
Our Paper "FireXplainer: An Interpretable Approach for Detection of Wildfires" received an Excellent Paper Award at Korea Computer Congress (KCC) 2023
Attended KCC'23 (Korea Computer Congress, June 2023) & Lab MT
We are delighted to announce that Professor Hyun-chul Kim has been promoted from Associate Professor to Professor.
2021년 석사학위청구논문 심사 (안준영, Muhammad Ali Hamza / 2021년 12월 7일(화) 온라인 참여 링크
Our paper "Development of a Cybersecurity Workforce Management System" has been accepted at Joural of the Semiconductor & Display Technology, Volume 20 Issue 3, 2021'
Deep Bayesian Neural Nets(김인중, 한동대학교 전산전자공학부 교수 / 2021년 09월 29일(수)
VR, AR 기술 최신 동향과 미래 세미나 개최(이하섭, 건국대학교 VR연구실 연구교수 / 2021년 09월 08일(수))
연구실 2020 온라인 송년회 개최
Attended SIGCOMM 2020_Poster Presentation
Our poster "AS Relationships Inference from the Internet Routing Registries" has been aceepted at ACM SIGCOMM, August 10 ~ 14, 2020, Virtual Event, USA. ACM New York, NY, USA, 3 pages
Our poster "Traffic Classification using Deep Learning: Being High Accuracy is Not Enough" has been accepted at ACM SIGCOMM, August 10 ~ 14, 2020, Virtual Event, USA. ACM New York, NY, USA, 3 pages
Our proposal "Profiling Cyber Security Experts" has been awarded a 6months, $40k Grant from the National Security Research Institute(2020.06.01. ~ 2020.11.31.)
Our proposal "DeepScanning: AI-based Automated Software Scanning, and Industry-Academic Cooperation/Collaboration sub-project" has been awarded a eight-month, $30k Grant from National Program of Excellence in Software, sponsored by Minstiry of Science and ICT.(2020.04.01. ~ 2020.12.31.)"
빅데이터개론, 네트워크(2020학년도 봄학기) 과목이 개설되었습니다.
Attended KSC 2019(Korea Software Congress 2019) & Lab MT
Our proposal "Multi-modal data-driven Explainable AI systems and the Future of Digital Finance" has been awarded a three-year, $260K Mid-Career Grant from the National Research Foundation (2019.09. ~ 2022.02.)
Our paper "Predicting content consumption from content-to-content relationships" has been accepted at Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol. 132, April 2019 (SCI, IF in 2017=3.991).
Our paper "Deep Learning based violent protest detection system" has been accepted at Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information, Mar. 2019.
컴퓨터프로그래밍(2019학년도 봄학기) 과목이 개설되었습니다.
Our poster "Content-based Success Prediction of Crowdfunding Campaigns: A Deep Learning Approach" has been accepted at ACM CSCW, New York City's Hudson River (Jersey City), Nov. 2018. (poster)
Our paper "Crowdfunding Scams: The Profiles and Language of Deceivers" has been accepted at Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information, Mar. 2018.
Our paper "Predicting Success of Crowdfunding Campaigns using Multimedia and Linguistic Festures" has been accepted at Journal of Korea Multimedia Society, Feb. 2018.
Our paper "Privacy Leakage in Event-based Social Networks: A Meetup Case Study" has been accepted at ACM CSCW, New York City's Hudson River (Jersey City), Nov. 2018.
Our poster "The Language of Deceivers: Linguistic Features of Crowdfunding Scams" has been accepted at WWW, Montreal, Canada, Apr. 2016.
Our paper "Smart SNS Map: Location-based Social Network SErvice Data Mapping and Visualization System" has been accepted at Journal of Korea Multimedia Society, Feb. 2016
Our paper "Measurement and Analysis of Online Gaming Services on Mobile WIMAX Networks" appears in Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCNC), May. 2015.
Our paper "SNS Map : Location-based SNS data mapping system" appears in Proceedings of the Korea Computer Congress(KCC), Jun. 2015.
Our paper "Collecting, Organizing, and Sharing Pins in Pinterest: Interest-driven or Social-driven?" has been accepted at ACM SIGMETRICS, Austin, TX, Jun. 2014.
Our paper "Strategic Bundling for Content Availability and Fast Distribution in BitTorrent" has been accepted at Computer Communications, May 2014.
Our paper "AS-level Topology Collection through Looking Glass Servers" has been accepted at ACM Internet Measurement Conference, Barcelona, Spain, Oct. 2013.
Our paper "A Comparative Study on IP Prefixes and their Origin ASes in BGP and the IRR" has been accepted at ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, Jul. 2013.
Our paper "Internet Traffic Classification using Energy Time-Frequency Distributions" has been accepted at IEEE ICC, Budapest, Hungary, Jun. 2013.
Our paper "Bundling Practice in BitTorrent: What, How, and Why" has been accepted at ACM SIGMETRICS, London, UK, Jun. 2012.
Our paper "Content Publishing and Downloading Practice in BitTorrent" has been accepted at IFIP Networking, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2012.