

Fraud Detection on Crowdfunding Platforms using Multiple Feature Selection Methods
Seunghun Lee, Heemin Park, Hyun-chul Kim
IEEE Access, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2025.3547396, March 2025.
Channel Attention for Fire and Smoke Detection: Impact of Augmentation, Color Spaces, and Adversarial Attacks
Usama Ejaz, Muhammad Ali Hamza, Hyun-chul Kim
Journal of MDPI Sensors, Volume 25, Number 4, pp. 1140, Feb 2025.


Cyber5Gym: An Integrated Framework for 5G Cybersecurity Training
Muhammad Ali Hamza, Usama Ejaz, Hyun-chul Kim
Journal of MDPI Electronics, Volume 13, Number 5, pp. 888, Feb 2024.


FireXplainer: An Interpretable Approach for Detection of Wildfires
Usama Ejaz, Muneeb Ahmad Khan, Heemin Park, Hyun-chul Kim
In Proceedings of the Korea Computer Congress(KCC), Jeju, Korea, June. 2023.
E-NSSA: Efficient Neural Architecture Search using Sorting Algorithms
Muhammad Ali Hamza, Usama Ejaz, Heemin Park, Hyun-chul Kim
In Proceedings of the Korea Computer Congress(KCC), Jeju, Korea, June. 2023.


Backers Beware: Characteristics and Detection of Fraudulent Crowdfunding Campaigns
Seung-hun Lee, Wafa Shafqat, Hyun-chul Kim
Journal of MDPI Sensors, Volume 22, Number 19, pp. 7677, Oct 2022.
An Offline Signature Verification leveraging One-shot Learning
Usama Ejaz, Muneeb Ahmad Khan, Heemin Park, Hyun-chul Kim
In Proceedings of the Korea Computer Congress(KCC), Jeju, Korea, June. 2022.


Development of a Cybersecurity Workforce Management System
Ahn Jun-young, Lee Seung-hun, Park hee-min, Kim Hyun-chul
Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology, 2021.


"AS Relationships Inference from the Internet Routing Registries"
Akmal Khan, *Hyun-chul Kim, **Ted "Taekyoung" Kwon
ACM SIGCOMM, New York City, Aug 2020.
"Traffic Classification using Deep learning: Being Highly Accurate is Not Enough"
Kang-hee Lee, Seung-hun Lee, Hyun-chul Kim
ACM SIGCOMM, New York City, Aug 2020.


"Predicting content consumption from content-to-content relationships"
Jinyoung Han, Daejin Choi, Taejoong Chung, Chen-Nee Chuah, Hyun-chul Kim, Ted Taekyoung Kwon
Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol. 132, April 2019 (SCI, IF in 2017=3.991).
"Deep Learning based violent protest detection system"
Yeon-su Lee and Hyun-chul Kim
Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 87-94, Mar. 2019.


"Content-based Success Prediction of Crowdfunding Campaigns: A Deep Learning Approach"
Seunghun Lee, Kanghee Lee, and Hyun-chul Kim
ACM CSCW, New York City's Hudson River (Jersey City), Nov. 2018. (poster)
"Privacy Leakage in Event-based Social Networks: A Meetup Case Study"
Taejoong Chung, Jinyoung Han, Daejin Choi, Ted "Taekyoung" Kwon, Jong-Youn Rha, and Hyun-chul Kim
ACM CSCW, New York City's Hudson River (Jersey City), Nov. 2018. (acceptance rate = 105/384 = 27.3%)
"Predicting Success of Crowdfunding Campaigns using Multimedia and Linguistic Features"
Kang-hee Lee, Seung-hun Lee, and Hyun-chul Kim
Journal of Korea Multimedia Society, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 281-288, Feb. 2018.
"Crowdfunding Scams : The Profiles and Language of Deceivers"
Seung-hun Lee, and Hyun-chul Kim
Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 55-62, Mar. 2018.


"The Language of Deceivers: Linguistic Features of Crowdfunding Scams"
Wafa Shafqat, Seunghun Lee, Sehrish Malik, and Hyun-chul Kim
WWW, Montreal, Canada, pp. 99-100, Apr. 2016. (poster)
"Smart SNS Map: Location-based Social Network Service Data Mapping and Visualization System"
Jangho Yoon, Seung-hun Lee, and Hyun-chul Kim
Journal of Korea Multimedia Society, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 428-435, Feb. 2016.


"Measurement and Analysis of Online Gaming Services on Mobile WIMAX Networks"
Xiaofei Wang, Min Chen, Hyun-chul Kim, Ted "Taekyoung" Kwon, Yanghee Choi, and Sunghyun Choi
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCNC), Vol. 15, No. 7, pp. 1198-1211, May 2015 (SCI). (paper)
"SNS Map : Location-based SNS data mapping system"
Seunghun Lee, Daeyoung Oh, Minhyuk Kang, and Hyun-chul kim
한국컴퓨터종합학술대회(In Proceedings of the Korea Computer Congress(KCC)), Jeju, Korea, June. 2015.


"Collecting, Organizing, and Sharing Pins in Pinterest: Interest-driven or Social-driven?"
Jinyoung Han, Daejin Choi, Byung-Gon Chun, Ted "Taekyoung" Kwon, Hyun-chul Kim, and Yanghee Choi
ACM SIGMETRICS, Austin, TX, Jun. 2014. (paper) (acceptance rate = 40/238 = 16.8%)
"Strategic Bundling for Content Availability and Fast Distribution in BitTorrent"
Jinyoung Han, Taejoong Chung, Seungbae Kim, Hyun-chul Kim, Jussi Kangasharju, Ted "Taekyoung" Kwon, and Yanghee Choi
Computer Communications, Vol. 43, pp. 64-73, May 2014 (SCI). (paper)


"AS-level Topology Collection through Looking Glass Servers"
Akmal Khan, Ted "Taekyoung" Kwon, Hyun-chul Kim, and Yanghee Choi
ACM Internet Measurement Conference, Barcelona, Spain, Oct. 2013. (paper) (short paper acceptance rate = 17/86 = 19.8% (overall short+long paper acceptance rate = 34/143 = 23.8%))
"A Comparative Study on IP Prefixes and their Origin ASes in BGP and the IRR"
Akmal Khan, Hyun-chul Kim, Ted "Taekyoung" Kwon, and Yanghee Choi
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, Vol. 43, No. 3, Jul. 2013. (paper)
"Internet Traffic Classification using Energy Time-Frequency Distributions"
Angelos K. Marnerides, Dimitrios P. Pezaros, Hyun-chul Kim, and David Hutchison
IEEE ICC, Budapest, Hungary, Jun. 2013. (paper)


"Bundling Practice in BitTorrent: What, How, and Why"
Jinyoung Han, Seungbae Kim, Taejoong Chung, Ted "Taekyoung" Kwon, Hyun-chul Kim, and Yanghee Choi
ACM SIGMETRICS, London, UK, Jun. 2012. (paper) (acceptance rate = 31/203 = 15.3%)
"Content Publishing and Downloading Practice in BitTorrent"
Seungbae Kim, Jinyoung Han, Taejoong Chung, and Hyun-chul Kim
IFIP Networking, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2012. (paper)
"Analysis of Context Dependence in Social Interaction Networks of a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game"
Seokshin Son, Ah Reum Kang, Hyun-chul Kim, Taekyoung Kwon, Juyoung Park, and Huy Kang Kim
PLoS ONE, Vol. 7, No. 4, Apr. 2012. (SCIE, IF = 4.411) (paper)

Before 2012

Selected Publications
NeTraMark: A Network Traffic classification benchMark ,[NeTraMark Homepage]
Suchul Lee, Hyun-chul Kim, Dhiman Barman, Sungryoul Lee, Chong-kwon Kim, Ted "Taekyoung" Kwon, and Yang-hee Choi
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review
Vol. 41, No. 1, January 2011 (a subset of this work was presented at IEEE INFOCOM 2010 Demo).
Internet Traffic Classification Demystified: On the Sources of the Discriminative Powerk
Yeon-sup Lim, Hyun-chul Kim, Jiwoong Jeong, Chongkwon Kim, Ted "Taekyoung" Kwon, and Yanghee Choi
ACM SIGCOMM CoNEXT, Philadelphia, PA, Dec. 2010. (acceptance rate = 28/147 = 19.0%)
Internet Traffic Classification Demystified: Myths, Caveats, and the Best Practices , [Access to the used source codes and datasets] ( cited by 600+ papers since Dec. 2008; the 3rd most cited one among all ~800 papers published in ACM CoNEXT 2005-2016).
Hyun-chul Kim, kc claffy, Marina Fomenkov, Dhiman Barman, Michalis Faloutsos, and KiYoung Lee
ACM SIGCOMM CoNEXT, Madrid, Spain, Dec 2008. (acceptance rate = 29/166 = 17%)
Journal and Archival Publications
What Can Free Money Tell Us on the Virtual Black Market?
Kyungmoon Woo, Hyukmin Kwon, Hyun-chul Kim, Chong-kwon Kim, and Huy Kang Kim
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review
Vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 392-393, Oct. 2011 (Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM 2011).
Multi-relational Social Networks in a Large-scale Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG)
Seokshin Son, Ah Reum Kang, Hyun-chul Kim, Taekyoung Kwon, Juyong Park, and Huy Kang Kim
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review
Vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 414-415, Oct. 2011 (Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM 2011).
A 3W Network Strategy for Mobile Data Offloading
Yongmin Choi, Hyun Wook Ji, Jae-yoon Park, Hyun-chul Kim, and John A. Silvester
IEEE Communications Magazine (Feature Topic on Traffic Management for Mobile Broadband Networks)
Vol. 49, No. 10, Oct. 2011.
How Prevalent is Content Bundling in BitTorrent?
Jinyoung Han, Taejoong Chung, Seungbae Kim, Ted "Taekyoung" Kwon, Hyun-chul Kim, and Yanghee Choi
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review
Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 127-128, Jun. 2011 (Proceedings of ACM SIGMETRICS 2011).
Graption: Graph-based P2P Traffic Classification Framework for the Internet Backbone
Marios Iliofotou, Hyun-chul Kim, Michalis Faloutsos, Michael Mitzenmacher, Prashanth Pappu, and George Varghese
Computer Networks (earlier versions of this work appear in the Proceedings of IEEE Global Internet Symposium 2009 and ACM Internet Measurement Conference 2007).
Vol. 55, No. 8, Jun. 2011.
Analysis and Modeling of Multimedia Workload Characteristics in a Multi-service IP Network
Yongmin Choi, John A. Silvester, and Hyun-chul Kim
IEEE Internet Computing
Vol. 15, No. 2, Mar/Apr. 2011.
NeTraMark: A Network Traffic classification benchMark ,[NeTraMark Homepage]
Suchul Lee, Hyun-chul Kim, Dhiman Barman, Sungryoul Lee, Chong-kwon Kim, Ted "Taekyoung" Kwon, and Yang-hee Choi
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review
Vol. 41, No. 1, January 2011 (a subset of this work was presented at IEEE INFOCOM 2010 Demo).
Performance Impact of Large File Transfer on Web Proxy Caching: A Case Study in a High Bandwidth Campus Network Environment
Hyun-chul Kim, Dongman Lee, Kilnam Chon, Beakcheol Jang, Taekyoung Kwon, and Yanghee Choi.
Journal of Communications and Networks
Vol. 12, No. 1, Feb. 2010.
DNS Resolution with Renewal Using Piggyback
Beakcheol Jang, Dongman Lee, Kilnam Chon, and Hyun-chul Kim
Journal of Communications and Networks
Vol. 11, No. 4, Aug. 2009.
Bio-Mirror project for public bio-data distribution
Don Gilbert, Yoshihiro Ugawa, Markus Buchhorn, Tan Tin Wee, Akira Mizushima, Hyun-chul Kim, Kilnam Chon, Seyeon Weon, Juncai Ma, Der-Ming Liou, Somnuk Keretho, and Suhaimi Napis
BioInformatics, Oxford Press (SCI Impact Factor = 5.742)
Vol. 20, No. 17, Nov. 2004.
Advanced Network Applications: Application Technologies (invited, in Korean)
Jongwon Kim, Shin-kak Kang, Jitae Shin, and Hyun-chul Kim
KICS magazine,
Vol. 20, No. 10, Oct 2003.
Conferences and Workshops
Traffic Classification through Joint Distributions of Packet-level Statistics
Alberto Dainotti, Hyun-chul Kim, and Antonio Pescape
IEEE GLOBECOM, Houston, TX, Dec. 2011.
Unveiling the BitTorrent Performance via the Mobile WiMAX Networks (a subset of this work appears in the Proceedings of the IEEE P2P Computing 2010)
Xiaofei Wang, Seungbae Kim, Ted "Taekyoung" Kwon, Hyun-chul Kim, and Yanghee Choi
Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM), Atlanta, GA, Mar. 2011.
Internet Traffic Classification Demystified: On the Sources of the Discriminative Power
Yeon-sup Lim, Hyun-chul Kim, Jiwoong Jeong, Chongkwon Kim, Ted "Taekyoung" Kwon, and Yanghee Choi
ACM SIGCOMM CoNEXT, Philadelphia, PA, Dec. 2010. (acceptance rate = 28/147 = 19.0%)
Measurement and Analysis of BitTorrent Traffic in Mobile WiMAX Networks
Seungbae Kim, Xiaofei Wang, Hyun-chul Kim, Taekyoung Kwon, and Yanghee Choi
IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (Short paper track), Delft, Netherlands, Aug. 2010. (acceptance rate = 34/143 = 23.8%)
Public Internet Routing Registries (IRR) Evolution
A. Khan, H. Kim, T. Kwon, and Y. Choi
International Conference on Future Internet Technologies (CFI), Seoul, Korea, Jun. 2010.
Decentralized and Autonomous Content Overlay Networking (DACON) with WiFi Access Points
D. Ko, K. Cho, M. Lee, H. Kim, T. Kwon, and Y. Choi
International Conference on Future Internet Technologies (CFI), Seoul, Korea, Jun. 2010.
How to deal with bot scum in MMORPGs?
S. Hilaire, H. Kim, and C. Kim
IEEE Communications Quality and Reliability (CQR) Workshop, Vancouber, Canada, Jun. 2010.
Measurement and Analysis of World of Warcraft in Mobile WiMAX Networks
Xiaofei Wang, Hyun-chul Kim, Taekyoung Kwon, Yanghee Choi, Sunghyun Choi, and Hanyoung Jang
Annual Workshop on Network and System Support for Games (NetGames, in co-operation with ACM SIGCOMM and SIGMM), Paris, France, Nov. 2009. (acceptance rate = 10/37 = 27.1%)
Performance Comparison of Content-oriented Networking Alternatives: A Tree versus A Distributed Hash Table
Jaeyoung Choi, Jinyoung Han, Eunsang Cho, Hyun-chul Kim, Ted "Taekyoung" Kwon, and Yanghee Choi
IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (accepted as a short paper), Zurich, Switzerland, Oct. 2009. (acceptance rate = 33%)
Probabilistic IP Prefix Authentication (PIPA) for Prefix Hijacking
Akmal Khan, Ted "Taekyoung" kwon, and Hyunchul Kim
International Conferences on Future Internet Technologies(CFI), Seoul, Korea, Jun. 2009.
Graph-based P2P Traffic Classification at the Internet Backbone
Marios Iliofotou, Hyun-chul Kim, Michalis Faloutsos, Michael Mitzenmacher, Prashanth Pappu, and George Varghese
IEEE Global Internet Symposium (in conjunction with IEEE Infocom 2009), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Apr. 2009. (acceptance rate = 12/35 = 34.3%)
Internet Traffic Classification Demystified: Myths, Caveats, and the Best Practices , [Access to the used source codes and datasets] (cited by 400+ papers since Dec. 2008).
Hyun-chul Kim, kc claffy, Marina Fomenkov, Dhiman Barman, Michalis Faloutsos, KiYoung Lee
ACM SIGCOMM CoNEXT, Madrid, Spain, Dec 2008. (acceptance rate = 29/166 = 17%)
Comparison of Internet Traffic Classification Tools
Hyun-chul Kim, Marina Fomenkov, Nevil Brownlee, kc claffy, Dhiman Barman, and Michalis Faloutsos
Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) Internet Measurement Research Group (IMRG) Workshop on Application Classification and Identification (WACI), Boston, MA, Oct 2007.
[ Slides ]
Multimedia traffic load distribution in Massively Multiplayer Online Games
Hyungjune Yim, Hyun-chul Kim, and Kilnam Chon
International Conference on Information Networking, Sendai, Japan, Jan 2006.
A Measurement Study of Storage Resource and Multimedia Contents on a High Performance Research and Education Network
Hyun-chul Kim, Dongman Lee, Joonbok Lee, Jay Jungwon Suh, and Kilnam Chon
IEEE International Conference on High Speed Networks and Multimedia Communications, Estoril, Portugal, Jul 2003.
A Peer-to-peer supported Cache System for FTP
Joonbok Lee, Hyun-chul Kim, and Kilnam Chon
Advanced Network Conference, Busan, South Korea, Aug 2003.
[ Slides ]
A Hybrid Pagoda Broadcasting Protocol: Fixed-Delay Pagoda Broadcasting Protocol with Partial Preloading
Hong-kee Sul, Hyun-chul Kim, and Kilnam Chon
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, Baltimore, MD, Jul 2003.
Update Policies for Network Caches
Hyun-chul Kim and Kilnam Chon
International WebNet Conference on the WWW and Internet, Orlando, FL, Nov 1998.
Report on the costs and benefits of cache hierarchy in Korea
Ji-eun Lee, Hyun-chul Kim, Hyojung Hwang, Youngmin Jin, and Kilnam Chon
International WWW Caching Workshop, Manchester, England, Jun 1998.
Posters and Demos
What Can Free Money Tell Us on the Virtual Black Market?
Kyungmoon Woo, Hyukmin Kwon, Hyun-chul Kim, Chong-kwon Kim, and Huy Kang Kim
ACM SIGCOMM, Toronto, Canada, Aug. 2011. (poster)
Multi-relational Social Networks in a Large-scale Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) (an extended version of this poster appears in PLoS ONE, vol. 7, no. 4, Apr. 2012.)
Seokshin Son, Ah Reum Kang, Hyun-chul Kim, Taekyoung Kwon, Juyong Park, and Huy Kang Kim
ACM SIGCOMM, Toronto, Canada, Aug. 2011.
How Prevalent is Content Bundling in BitTorrent? (an extended version of this poster appears in Proceedings of ACM SIGMETRICS 2012.)
Jinyoung Han, Taejoong Chung, Seungbae Kim, Ted "Taekyoung" Kwon, Hyun-chul Kim, and Yanghee Choi
ACM SIGMETRICS, San Jose, CA, Jun. 2011.
NeTraMark: A Network Traffic classification benchMark (a full-paperized version of this demo appears in ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, vol. 41, no. 1, Jan. 2011.)
S. Lee, S. Lee, H. Kim, C. Kim, D. Barman, T. Kwon, and Y. Choi
IEEE INFOCOM Demo, San Diego, CA, Mar. 2010.
Systematic Support for Content Bundling in BitTorrent Swarming (an extended version of this paper appears in Computer Communications, vol. 43, pp. 64-73, May 2014.)
J. Han, T. Chung, H. Kim, T. Kwon, and Y. Choi
IEEE INFOCOM Student Workshop, San Diego, CA, Mar. 2010. (acceptance rate = 20/63 = 31.7%)
Unsupervised Two-Class & Multi-Class Support Vector Machines for Abnormal Traffic Characterization
Angelos K. Marnerides, Dimitrios P. Pezaros, Hyun-chul Kim, and David Hutchison
PAM (Passive and Active Measurement Conference) Student Workshop, Seoul, Korea, Apr. 2009.
Can We Enjoy Internet Online Game accessed via the WiBro/IEEE802.16e Network?
Xiaofei Wang, Hua Cai, Hyun-chul Kim, Taekyoung Kwon, Yanghee Choi, Sunghyun Choi
PAM (Passive and Active Measurement Conference) Student Workshop, Seoul, Korea, Apr. 2009.